Career Counseling: to ‘lean in’ or to ‘lean out’?

The ‘lean in’ approach does not always work, and it may not be because of you, says this article. The period of time in your life when you are raising your children is relatively short in comparison to your entire work life, so you may prefer to work in a place that offers flexibility and is parenting-friendly.

“I now believe that Lean In promoted a completely unrealistic portrait of what working motherhood is like. I knew being a working mom would be tough, but in Sandberg’s cult of hard work and personal responsibility, I thought it would be nothing I couldn’t handle. I could just lean in, or, as Sandberg specifically advised for working women thinking about having a baby: ‘Don’t leave till you leave,’ meaning you shouldn’t step back from work just because you anticipate becoming a mother.”

“A recent New York Times investigation into pregnancy discrimination called the problem an “epidemic.” In my New York Times op-ed ‘The Open Secret of Anti-Mom Bias at Work,’ I detail the serious barriers mothers face in hiring and how they are judged more harshly than childless colleagues. For women who have children during the prime childbearing years of 25 to 35, their earnings never recover, and their salaries often drop precipitously after having a kid. All of this does serious, long-term damage to women’s economic prospects.”

“…the greatest lie of Lean In is its underlying message that most companies and bosses are ultimately benevolent, that hard work is rewarded, that if women shed the straitjacket of self-doubt, a meritocratic world awaits us.”

Career Counseling with Elaine Korngold

I bring extensive lived experience of working at various management levels in the corporate world to my counseling practice. All while trying to figure out when to lean in or lean out for my family. In career counseling, we can identify what is successful for you and what needs to change to improve your work situation. We can strategize alternative communication options and process feelings or past experiences that prevent you from moving forward. I integrate Brainspotting therapy and IFS (Internal Family Systems or Parts) therapy in my practice to help clients live their authentic life. Contact me to learn more.