Career Counseling: discrimination at work

Minority workers regularly report feeling discriminated against at work and spending an extraordinary amount of daily energy fighting racist comments and marginalization at what is supposed to be a “professional and inclusive” work environment.  An article about a local company describes “predominantly white leadership struggling with issues of race and discrimination”, and a work environment where  “race is a constant issue, leaving the relatively few black employees often feeling marginalized and sometimes discriminated against’.

“… they were frequently the only black person in meetings and often felt their input was not valued when decisions were being made. And an overall lack of racial diversity, they said, meant it was not uncommon for negative stereotypes to creep into work discussions or marketing pitches involving black athletes, sometimes creating backlash outside the company.”

Career Counseling with Elaine Korngold

In my private practice I work with clients to help them get to the core of the issues they are encountering in their career. We recognize cultural burdens we are all exposed to and carry consciously or subconsciously. Acknowledging and validating our inner parts carrying the burdens of racism or patriarchy can make our entire system feel lighter. Using the terminology of IFS therapy, our parts don’t have to be alone in fighting the system, they can be connected to our Self energy that is infinite and comes from the heart. In some cases, healing our inner parts may be sufficient to be able to perform adequately at work. In other cases, the client may decide to change jobs. Career Counseling supports the clients in whatever authentic decision they choose to make.

Sample career counseling issues include:

  • Choosing a career path
  • Changing careers
  • Deciding whether to leave a company
  • Managing office politics
  • Dealing with layoffs and finding a new job
  • Creating work and life balance
  • Interacting with difficult colleagues
  • Dealing with stress and emotions at work
  • Overcoming discrimination at work

Please reach out to schedule a 20-minute phone consultation and learn more.