IFS: reduces PTSD in patients with childhood trauma

This article describes the first funded, independently administered IFS study led by Dr. Hilary Hodgdon,  at the Trauma Center, Justice Research Institute, in Massachusetts, USA, that sought to assess the efficacy of IFS on patient outcomes. 17 adult participants received 16 weekly, 90-minute sessions of IFS Therapy. The study shows that IFS reduces PTSD symptoms. The paper describing the study was accepted for publication in the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.

“The results showed that IFS therapy had significantly positive effects on adults with PTSD and histories of exposure to multiple forms of childhood trauma.”

“It was shown that, following the sessions, PTSD and depressive symptoms were significantly reduced, with an overall time effect observed, as were associated symptoms related to affect dysregulation, somatization, and dissociation (all with a significant overall time effect, and large statistical significance and effect size). Increases in self-compassion and interoceptive awareness were also seen. Notably, at the one-month follow-up assessment, 92% of participants no longer met criteria for PTSD.”


Elaine Korngold, LPC in Oregon at AskCounseling.com, is a certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapist helping adults heal from PTSD and childhood trauma. IFS is not only a model of permanent emotional healing, but is also a paradigm for self-awareness, accelerated transformation and understanding others. While IFS work is really powerful, at its core is relationship building between the person and their own parts, and the role of the IFS therapist is to help facilitate the development of that relationship. Relationships take time to build, particularly when there’s already a degree of distrust present. From that perspective, IFS isn’t a brief therapy and likely won’t lead to immediate change, but it’s a model Elaine truly values because the change that does happen appears to be lasting. Email or text Elaine Korngold for more information or to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.